Female Figure #8 - Brooke Allott

It's Friday again and I can almost see the light at the end of the tunnel! Not much longer now Melbourne folks till we get our freedom back and yay to our friends in NSW for getting out of lockdown and resuming life to a new "normal" (whatever that means these days!) With the warmer weather, new freedoms and festive season around the corner, things are definitely looking up and promising as we head into the tail end of 2021. *fingers crossed!*
In the spirit of celebration, this week I've interviewed an uber talented human who can literally make your party dreams come true. She's a modern day fairy godmother and I am so excited to present our next Female Figure - Brooke Allott from Something White Events!
1. Tell us a bit about yourself and how you came into business?
Brooke: Well a MASSIVEEEE hello there! My name is Brooke Allott and I am the founder and creator of magic at Something White Events. I initially started my little passion project with the aim of focusing predominantly on the weddings scene, hence the name, Something White.
I am originally a country girl (born and bred, Dubsvegas strong) with a rich background in hospitality. My family owned and operated country hotels so from a young age, I was exposed to the events scene. I started managing bars and hotels when I was younger, focusing on operations, function co-ordination and management.
After planning and styling my own wedding (just a few years ago .. cough cough!), I kind of stumbled into the weddings world. I was studying at the time and also working in a local cake shop as their weddings consultant and stylist.
After helping a number of clients with their cake design, the interest and requests began to expand from cakes, to tablecapes, reception styling and eventually, to planning entire weddings!
I never initially intended to ‘go into business’ so to speak, but I am so glad that I did. I have always been extremely passionate about the service industry and people. I love them. I am a very positive, bubbly and affectionate extrovert. I wanted to create a boutique brand that offered a bespoke service like no other. One that really focused on personalisation, attention to detail, quality service and cohesive presentation. In my opinion, it is these distinct details that transform something simple into something spectacular, resulting in beautiful memories and lasting impressions.
It is a true privilege to be trusted with creating peoples most treasured and valued celebrations. I love to provide joy, happiness and a little magic to these milestones and Something White has enabled me to do that on a regular basis, which I am eternally grateful for. The best part about this creative adventure for me is the brilliant, inspiring and beautiful supplier (now friends) that I have met along the way. I never imagined I would have expanded into the variety of events that I now cater for.
2. How are you finding your Moodyboard and has it helped in any way with your line of work?
Brooke: I love the shape, colour and lines of my Moodyboard. Its size and grandeur is perfect for presenting my daily affirmations, inspirational quotes and never ending to-do lists in an aesthetically pleasing and contemporary way. Most importantly, I adore it versatility. Being in events, I am constantly on the lookout for unique and interesting props and accessories. I love how my moody can transform from a beacon of motivation and hope to a backdrop for photo booths and props for example. Its custom design, size and sturdy nature ensures it works perfectly in a variety of scenarios and the array of available hues make it blend seamlessly with any colour palette and theme.
3. What does your typical work day look like?
Brooke: In events, there is no such thing as a typical work day and since life in lockdown has become the new norm, there is REALLY no typical work day.
Something I have always loved about our industry is its spontaneity and exciting nature. No two events are ever the same which is what makes it challenging, enjoyable and fresh.
Personally, I try to get in some exercise (essential for my sanity). There's a lot of running about like a headless chook when I have a 7 and 4 year old to raise (not forgetting the twin fur babies puppies Rosie and Ralph.... #overcommitter).
It all comes back to planning. I have so many balls in the air that I write EVERYTHING down so nothing falls to the floor and I am the queen of a to-do list - so satisfying to tick something off! I will even write a list that I have already completed just to get the ball rolling!
I tend to work very irregular hours and irritatingly get my best ideas at night making me quite the night owl (I find most of the events crew are!). One thing is for sure though, I typically start the day with a coffee and end with a well earned glass of champagne. There is nothing more thrilling than seeing an event come to life and witnessing the beaming clients and guests in awe and adoration of what you have crafted for them. It is an addiction I will never tire of satisfying and I truly get so much joy and fulfilment from creating and sharing these special journeys with people.
4. As a mum, what are the challenges you face when running a business, and what do you do to overcome those challenges ?
Brooke: Time. Time is my enemy! I try to parent like I don't have a business, and run a business like I don't have kids. Many women will relate to this. You get pulled in ALL directions and it’s a LOT to juggle at times.
When people ask me what I do... I just say my BEST! I tell them I raise kids, run a house and have this little gig called a full time job on the side .
The best way to overcome it is to plan. My days are planned down to the minute as often as I can. I have a planner for my family, one for the kids and one for myself so I don't forget my own needs in the mix. I also love to be spontaneous so on days when things just don’t go to plan, it’s important to roll with the punches and just make it work. Another essential quality I can apply to life in events.
5. As a business owner, what tips do you have for others who are just starting out/ thinking of starting a business?
Brooke: Research! Make sure you know everything about the industry you are getting into. Is it doing well in the current (pandemic) climate? Is it adaptable? So much is changing in the way consumers behave, so businesses need to know their audience and the market inside out, in order to adapt and survive.
Importantly, make sure you work in a field you are passionate about. I absolutely love the work I do. The planning, the people I meet, the community of business owners that are more like family than associates now. Especially, the looks of wonder and delight when people love the work that I do.
For those that want to start a business who are mums... don't set yourself unrealistic goals. Treat yourself kindly and all else shall follow. You can't run at 100% all of the time. Something that has taken a while for me to realise is that I CAN have it all. Just not all at the same time.
Work out what you can achieve at your current stage of life and plan ahead for your life and your business.
Dream big. If you can dream it, You can do it!
Thanks Brookie for sharing and if you ever need a party planner / stylist - Look no further! Head on to the Something White Events website here
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- Tags: brookeallot partydecor partyplanner photobooth polaroidstation somethingwhite somethingwhiteevents